Sunday, November 6, 2011


First Photo in the city

Yes, I've been to Algeciras, Spain lately. Yet, it was a short time stay there. So our tour around this city was also limited. But I've enjoyed a lot. It was so fun. The Sun was so high yet I cannot feel it's heat because of the cold breeze of the wind. It near to winter time that's why. 

Ok, this is the mall that we visited. I would say this is a very expensive mall. When we entered the department store it was TOMMY HILFIGER that I saw first. Then, followed by Lacoste and so on. Everything sold there was so nice. Yet everything cost so nice as well. I can't afford anything at that time. I loved those shirts and polo, pants, watch and shoes. Someday I'll be able to afford some of it(hopefully).

 Inside the park was a nice fountain, unfortunately it was not functioning by the time we were there. But there were a lot of pigeons scattered around. I so love the way that tree on the right side inclined towards the fountain. It was like engineered to be like that.

 The Cadet and Electrician with shades on. And take note we both wore red by that time.

 A watermill inside the park. It was not being used. I think it's for the purpose of design in the park.

 Do you know what the writings mean? Me neither.

 A smooth road going back to the terminal filled with fun experience once more.

 A stolen shot taken by my indian friend Prabhu.

 That's my lovely ship on the background-Olga Maersk.

 Photo with kuya Felipe and Kuya Gregorio. They were the gangway watch by that time.

 Paniters, repairman and Ordinary Seaman along with me. Fun guys to be with.

And off we go to rotterdam. By the way this phot was taken during sunset at Algeciras Terminal while we were leaving the berth. 

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