Friday, October 7, 2011


I actually got this one from a Note from facebook. When i read this, I was surprised. Why? I have done some of this and done a lot of mistakes. I don't know if this one is true or not. But what I have in my mind right now is that, I will do all the best for the one I love. And this things can help or not I will have that feeling for her. 

For every phrase i would add my opinion about it. 

When she stares at your mouth
Kiss her
-I don't know if it happened already that she stared on my mouth, but i think she would do that whenever there is something stuck on my mouth from my meal. LOL. But, i would gladly kiss her on her forehead. I'd love to do that a several times. 

When she pushes you or hits you like a dummy cause she thinks shes stronger than you
Grab her and don't let go
-This always happens. I feel happy whenever she does this to me. I feel like she is testing if I can defend for her. But all I can say is that, either I'm weak or strong I will do everything to protect her.

When she starts cursing at you trying to act all tough
Kiss her and tell her you love her
-This didn't happened yet. I am not wishing this thing to happen. But if that's the case I would make her feel more how much i Loved Her.

When she's quiet  
Ask her whats wrong
-I always do that to her. Because, i start to think of a lot of reasons why she's quiet for a sudden. I am used to her smiling and laughing every time we are together or not. And i will maintain that she won't be quite in any time.

When she ignores you
Give her your attention
-Now I know. But I will always give my attention to her. whenever, whatever. 

When she pulls away
Pull her back
-It is not new to have some fights. But this really the best thing to do. Just always pull her back. By that she would feel that a midst all she is still important to you. 

When you see her at her worst
Tell her she's beautiful
-She will always be beautiful to me. And I always tell her that. Saying this to her would put a smile on her lips. 

When you see her start crying
Just hold her and don't say a word
-I hate it when I saw a woman crying. That's why she knows that I don't want to see her crying. I am doing my best not to be a reason for her to cry. But when time comes that she cries yet I am not the reason, I'll be a shoulder for her to cry on. i can't stop it cause it's an emotion God has uniquely given to a woman whenever they feel down.

When you see her walking
Sneak up and hug her waist from behind
-Haven't tried this one yet. MAybe next time. 

When she's scared
Protect her
-I love teasing her of scary things. Most of the guys knows the reason why. 

When she steals your favorite hoodie
Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night
-She never did this to me. Why? I don't have a hoodie. LOL

When she teases you
Tease her back and make her laugh
-This is the most played game whenever were together. Tease each other. I love it. 

When she doesn't answer for a long time
reassure her that everything is okay
-That would scare me a lot if she does not answer for a long time. I might jump up to a lot of conclusions in my mind on why would she not answer for a long time. 

When she looks at you with doubt
Back yourself up
-This happened sometime. Hehehe. I just love seeing her looking at me like that. Because if she looks at me like that I feel like she really knows me a lot already. I always say something to her about me, and she would stare at me doubtedly, and by I could noticed that she does not believe for she knows who I am.

When she says that she loves you
she really does more than you can understand
-I LOVE HER so MUCH. That's all I can say about this one. 

When she grabs at your hands
Hold her's and play with her fingers
-That's what were doing all the time. We usually play this game called "sawsaw suka". 

When she bumps into you;
bump into her back and make her laugh
-I usually let her bump on me all the time whenever she wanted it.

When she tells you a secret
keep it safe and untold
-I am a good secret keeper you know why? I always forget a lot of things. I don't know why. But I'm happy that she understands this situation of mine. 

When she looks at you in your eyes
dont look away until she does
-Ahh, this is a great mistake I always commit. Because of my school training to me, I was used on not looking into the eyes when talking to them. Ahh. I must change this thing on me. 

When she says it's over
she still wants you to be hers
-i hope this does not happen. i love her

Stay on the phone with her even if she's not saying anything
 -I commit this mistake all the time, sorry.

When she's mad hug her tight and don't let go
 -I never saw her mad. I hope I won't.

When she says she's ok don't believe it, talk with her because 10 yrs later she'll remember you
 -I always don't believe it when something is wrong.

Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her
 -I this time differences. But there a way in everything.

Treat her like she's all that matters to you
 -I'd love doing this for her. Worth it.

Stay up all night with her when she's sick
 -I don't want her sick. But she is always sick. 

Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think it's stupid
 -This I have to adjust. But I'll do it with her. 

Give her the world.
 -Not only the world. Include the milky way. 

Let her wear your clothes
 -Hahaha. this made me laugh. Will I require her? Joke. If she'd like to, why not. 

When she's bored and sad, hang out with her
 -I always want doing this for her. Because I feel happier whenever I'm with her.

Let her know she's important.
 -She knows it well. What we have to do is to make them feel it.

Don't talk about other girls around her
 -Have to remove this on our talks. Sorry again. 

Kiss her in the pouring rain
 -Looks like a movie drama yet so romantic when happens.

When she runs up to you crying, the first thing you say is:
"Whose ass am i kicking baby?"
-Strongly agree with this. ;)

I am just so happy right now that I am in love. Thank you so much for being there all the time either when I need you or not. This distance between us will make us more stronger as time pass by. I might not be that so expressive of what I feel, but I want you to know that I love you so much And I will always do. I LOVE YOU.